Life changing motivational quotes 

Hazrat Ali

Do not leave the prayer, the whole blessing of life is in it and protect your eyesight because the basis of sin starts from here

Hazrat Ali said:

Never tell your secret to someone who has a secret from you

Do not pass.

Hazrat Ali said:

Don't be quick with your tongue on the mother who

Taught you to speak.

Hazrat Ali says:

In life, you should take oath and pen very thoughtfully, words are everything, even hearts are won

They take and also tear the heart.

When your difficulties begin to increase, understand that Allah is going to give you a high position.

An example of evil is like going down a mountain without taking one step, then the others continue to rise.

And the example of goodness is like climbing a mountain, one step is harder than the previous step, but each step gives rise.

Hazrat Ali said:

Raise your head so that you are not afraid of anyone, but keep your eyes down so that it is known that you belong to a respectable family.

Hazrat Ali said: Whenever I ask God for destiny, I have seen many wise men at the door of destiny.

Imam Ali said: Being angry in a house is like desolating it.

Hazrat Ali said:

Keep company with people according to their morals and be separate from them in actions.

for flood victims

Ida Az-il-Sanik Ani Kunt Min Al-Zalmin

Hazrat Ji said: Devote your best time and prayers because all your wishes will be accepted after the prayers.

Hazrat Ali said: Do not ask people to remember because a person who can forget his Lord can forget everyone.


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Hazrat Ali said: To be generous in times of need, to speak the truth in anger and to forgive while having strength is the best virtue.

Hazrat Ali says: Being afraid at the time of trouble is a bigger trouble than trouble.

Hazrat Ali was asked: How will you know who is valuable? He said that the more sense there is in it, the more valuable it will be.

Hazrat Ali I am amazed at a person who is in need when he has the power to ask for forgiveness

Hazrat Ali said:

Hazrat Ki said: A person gets that reward for good thinking, not even for good deeds from gambling, because there is no pretense in thinking.

Hazrat Ali said: Never hurt anyone, because even after asking for forgiveness, pain remains in the heart, just like a hole remains when a nail is pulled out of a wall.

Hazrat Ali said: Having developed humility within himself like a bird, he keeps his neck bowed even after touching the heights of the sky.


When your difficulties start to increase, understand

That Allah is going to give you a high position.

Imam Ali

(Mula Ali)

Hazrat Ali said:

When someone wants to break up with someone, the first thing he does is cut off the sweetness of his tongue.


Cultivate humility within yourself like a bird

Touching the heights of the sky, bowing his neck


Controlling the heart and despite having authority

Not acting on illicit desires is the true masculinity

 Your parents bring you up like princes in your childhood, so it is your duty to treat them like kings in their old age.

 Look satisfied even in times of trouble and be happy in spite of difficulties.

Every prayer that comes out of the tongue from which lies are stopped is accepted.

 Find the evil in yourself and the good in others, this is the greatest improvement of man and success in it

: Patience eases heart-wrenching troubles.


 I wonder at the person who is missing when he has the power to ask for forgiveness

Hazrat Ali said: This life belongs to two people, one day it is in your favor and another day it is against you. Be proud on the day you are in favor and be patient on the day you are against.

 A person follows good thoughts and gets a reward which he does not get even for good deeds because there is no pretense in thinking.

Don't ever hurt anyone because an apology leaves a hole in the heart just like a nail leaves a hole in a wall.

Cultivate within yourself humility like a bird that keeps its neck bowed even after touching the heights of the sky.

He who believes in destiny is not afraid of the troubles that befall him.

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