Importance of Talbina (Barley Porridge) in Prophetic Medicine

 A multi-disease-relieving diet that bestows a person with enviable health and extraordinary strength

 Islam is the only religion in the world that takes care of all the physical and spiritual needs of the last human until the Day of Resurrection. Whoever accepts Muhammad Arabi ï·º as the greatest physician, follows his instructions, improves his religious life and improves his worldly life and achieves many successes.

 If we only make the recipe of Talbina taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a part of our daily diet, we can not only lead a healthy life with numerous physical and spiritual benefits, but we can also be an ideal example for others. Act keeping in mind the verse number 31 of Surah Al-Imran.

 Here are some blessed holy hadiths related to Talbinah as well as scientific research on it:

 Blessed hadiths related to Talbinah

 1. When someone in the family of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sick, it was ordered that barley porridge be prepared for him. Then he used to say that he removes the sadness from the heart of the sick person and removes his weakness just like one of you washes his face with water and removes dirt from it. (Ibn Majah)

 2. Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa used to order the preparation of talbinah for the sick person and said that although the sick person dislikes it, it is very useful for him. (Ibn Majah)

 3. On the same issue, in a tradition of Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa RA, this incident was added to the fact that when porridge was cooked for a sick person, the portion of porridge was left on the stove until he either recovered or died. It was found that giving hot porridge continuously and repeatedly to the patient removes his weakness and makes his body more capable of fighting the disease.

 To remove tension and fatigue, Talbinah also says:

 4. When there was a death in Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa's family, mourning women used to come throughout the day. When the outsiders left and the members of the house and special people remained, she would order the Talbinah to be prepared, then the Thareed would be prepared. She used to put the hand of Talbina on the thareed and say that I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying that it is a cure for all diseases of the patient's heart and removes sorrow from the heart. (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ahmad)

 5. Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa ï·º has a tradition that when someone complained to the Prophet ï·º about lack of appetite, he ï·º would order him to eat talbinah and would say: By Allah, in Whose hand is my soul, this is the filthiness of your stomach. cleanses it as one of you cleanses his face by washing it with water.

 6. The Prophet ï·º liked to eat Thareed the most. He loved nothing better for a patient than Talbinah after that. It included the benefits of barley as well as the benefits of honey. But he preferred to eat it warm, frequently and on an empty stomach.

 7. Talbinah is a complete cure for all heart problems. (Bukhari and Muslim)

 8. Talbina soothes the patient's heart and relieves panic. (Mushkut Zaqa Hadith 4080)

 9. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said to Hazrat Gabriel: Gabriel, I am very tired. Hazrat Jibreel (A.S.) replied: O Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), you should use Talibnah.

 Medical Benefits of Talbina

 1. Removes depression.

 2. There is a cure for anxiety.

 3. It is the best treatment for back pain.

 4. It compensates for severe deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood.

 5. Eliminates memory loss instantly.

 6. Eliminates lack of appetite.

 7. Weight loss is complete.

 8. Eliminates excess cholesterol.

 9. Controls the blood sugar level of diabetic patients.

 10. It plays a very important role in the healing of heart patients.

 11. It is the best remedy for constipation.

 12. Relieves intestinal problems.

 13. Relieves stomach bloating.

 14. It is a heavenly remedy for ulcer patients.

 15. It is also useful in eliminating cancer.

 16. Increases immunity immensely.

 17. It is the best remedy for all kinds of physical weakness.

 18. Gives benefit in mental and mental diseases.

 19. It has proved to be very useful in liver diseases.

 20. It is the best treatment for nervous diseases.

 21. It is excellent for removing wrinkles.

 22. Eliminates all types of anxiety.