10 Inspirational motivational Quotes to Keep You Inspired in 2022

1.. Help others in difficult times because difficult times come to everyone to see someone's patience and someone's courage

2.. Never look down on anyone, because the status you have is not your ability, but Allah's grace on you

3.. Always try to avoid your own mistakes because people stumble over rocks and not over mountains.

4. .Think well and speak well, because ill-conceivedness and bad language are two such strange things that turn every perfection of man into a downfall.

 5.. The softness of a person does not show his weakness because nothing is softer than water, but the power of water breaks rocks to pieces.

6.. It is not easy to be away from someone and to let someone go away. People think that we have become insensitive, but we have to separate ways for improvement. May it be a painful pain for that person

7.. Changing things is good, but believe me

Changing habits take their toll

8.. Sometimes, remember your parents and sit together with your sisters and brothers

Mother will be seen smiling on someone's face, father in someone's tone

9.. People don't care if you are happy or not

What matters to them is that you make them happy

10... Lies sell because of why

Not everyone has time to buy the truth