Motivational inspirational quotes about success and life changing  

A time of humiliation

Can't even return full respect

 A bad friend is like coal

If it burns, it will burn your hand

If it is extinguished, it will turn your hands black

Repentance erases sin

Pride in goodness destroys goodness

Because knowledge is better than wealth

 You protect wealth

Knowledge protects you

If you can't get what you want

Be sure to find the one who wants you.

"Because" the sensation of being wanted is more beautiful than wanting!!

 Two faces never forget a person

A supporter in a difficult time

And the other one who left in difficult times!!

Always tell the truth so that you

 No need to swear

Who is looking for such a friend

In which there is no flaw

He will never find a friend again

Doubt often ends some relationships

It is not always the fault of mistakes.

No matter how high the goals are,

The way is always with the feet

If a person is on the right path

There is no need to rush to achieve the goal

Because great achievements always come later

I have learned only one thing in life

That nothing can defeat man

Until he himself takes the necklace

Not every storm comes to destroy your life

Some storms come to clear your path

Where did the arsonists know?

If the winds change, they will also be dust

A person who has the ability to convince you even after fighting a lot

So understand that he loves you immensely

The past cannot be changed, but the present and the future

 It is still in our hands today

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